Science Fair

This site is your source for information on the PEI Science Fair. With a little innovation, hard work, and good luck, you could represent PEI at the Canada-Wide Science Fair in May!

Helpful Hints

The PEI Science Fair Committee has put together a list of helpful hints for your science fair project and your experience at the PEI Science Fair.

  • Please do not bring any live animals or plants to the fair ( take many pictures and display them on your backboard)

  • Items that are shed from animals such as hair, fur, feathers quills, hides are not permitted.

  • Please do not bring any mold, bodily fluids ( blood, urine) or living tissues to the fair.

  • Cultures in petri dishes are not permitted.

  • No open flames are permitted (candles or heating devices such as hot plates).

  • Any devices that can create sparks should not be brought to the science fair.

  • Do not bring chemicals to the fair (use water and food colouring to simulate the chemicals). You can take a video of your experiment and show it to the judges.

  • Moving parts such as belts or blades should be encompassed in a shell or frame.

  • A small amount of water for your project is allowed however please do not bring items such as aquariums to fill with water.

  • Please be aware that wifi is not always available at the fair so please prepare in advance for this.

  • If you need electricity for your project/computer, it would be helpful to bring a short ( 5 or 6 feet) extension cord. Please ensure that the extension cord is properly grounded.

  • Students in grades 7 through 12 should have a log book to show the judges. This is an important part of your project’s mark (10%).  This website has suggestions for setting up and using your logbook.

  • Bring a water bottle and also bring something to do while you are waiting for the judges as you will be at your project for an extended period of time.  ( book, phone, video game, homework, schoolwork etc).

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